GMAT Hard Math Questions | Data Sufficiency

Must Solve GMAT Practice Questions | 700 800 Level Questions

  1. GMAT Hard Math Data Sufficiency Question

    Is x3 > x2

    Statement 1: x > 0
    Statement 2: x < 1
    Choice B
    Statement 2 alone is sufficient.

  2. GMAT Data Sufficiency Question | Inequalities & Exponents

    If m and n are non-zero integers, is mn > nn?

    Statement 1: |m| = n
    Statement 2: m < n
    Choice A
    Statement (1) alone is sufficient; statement (2) is not.

  3. GMAT Hard Math Question | Number Properties DS Practice

    What is the remainder when the positive integer x is divided by 6?

    Statement 1: When x is divided by 7, the remainder is 5.
    Statement 2: When x is divided by 9, the remainder is 3.
    Choice E
    Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient

  4. GMAT DS Sample Question | Percentage | Ratios | Word Problem

    A candy manufacturer decided to decrease the weight of each candy bar, while retaining the price. By how many cents did the per kilogram cost of candy change after the reduction in weight?

    Statement 1: The weight of each piece of candy bar reduced by 9 grams.
    Statement 2: The weight of each piece of candy bar reduced by 9%
    Choice E
    Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient

  5. GMAT Data Sufficiency | Hard Math Question | Geometry

    a, b, and c are sides of a right triangle. What is the area of the triangle?

    Statement 1: a = 4.
    Statement 2: a + b + c = 4.
    Choice C
    Statements Together are Sufficient.

  6. GMAT Challenging Math Question | Arithmetic | Number Properties DS Practice

    Is |x| > x?

    Statement 1: x2 + y2 = 4
    Statement 2: x3 + y2 = 0
    Choice C
    Statements Together are Sufficient.

  7. GMAT DS Sample Question | Geometry | Triangles

    Is the triangle ABC right angled at B an isosceles triangle?

    Statement 1: All 3 sides are integers.
    Statement 2: The square of the hypotenuse is twice the product of the other two sides.
    Choice D
    Statements are Independently Sufficient to answer the question.

  8. GMAT Hard Math Questions | Arithmetic | Number Properties DS

    x is a two-digit positive integer. y is obtained by multiplying the tens place of x by 2. Is y > \\frac{x}{6})?

    Statement 1: 20 < x < 30
    Statement 2: y = 10
    Choice B
    Statement 2 ALONE is sufficient.

  9. Geometry | Coordinate Geometry DS Practice | GMAT Challenging Math Question

    Does the line L whose equation is y = mx + c cut the x-axis in the positive direction of x-axis?

    Statement 1: The intercepts of Line K, perpendicular to L, are of the opposite signs.
    Statement 2: Line L passes through the 4th quadrant.
    Choice E
    Statements Together are NOT Sufficient

  10. GMAT Data Sufficiency | Challenging Number Properties & Inequalities Question

    Is x |x| = x2?

    Statement 1: x(1 – x2) < 0
    Statement 2: x(1 – x) < 0
    Choice E
    Statements NOT sufficient.

  11. GMAT DS Sample Question | Statistics | Mean Median Range

    What is the range of 5 distinct single digit positive integers if their average is 5?

    Statement 1: Their median is 6.
    Statement 2: The average of the 3 largest among the 5 numbers is 7.
    Choice C
    Statements Together Sufficient.

  12. GMAT Challenging Question | Arithmetic | Numbers & Progressions DS

    What is the range of 3 positive integers a, b, and c?

    Statement 1: 21a = 9b = 7c
    Statement 2: a + 8, b, and c, in that order are in AP.
    Choice C
    Statements TOGETHER sufficient.

  13. GMAT Hard Math Questions | Arithmetic | Number Properties DS

    Is the twelve-digit positive integer a perfect square?

    Statement 1: The number comprises only the digits 0, 1, and 2, each written four times.
    Statement 2: The sum of the digits of the twelve-digit number is 12.
    Choice D
    Statements INDEPENDENTLY sufficient.

  14. GMAT 650 Level Sample Question | Arithmetic DS | Number Properties

    If a and b are positive integers, is (a + b) prime?

    Statement 1: 13a = 43b
    Statement 2: 8a = 15b
    Choice A
    Statement 1 ALONE sufficient.

  15. GMAT Challenging Question | Geometry DS | Coordinate Geometry & Quadratic Equations

    If y = (x - p)(x - q), is the sum of integers p and q positive?

    Statement 1: The curve cuts the y-axis at -20
    Statement 2: Minimum value of y is -36
    Choice E
    Data Insufficient

  16. GMAT Hard Math | Geometry Right Triangles | GMAT 750 Level Data Sufficiency

    In right triangle ABC, what is the ratio in which point D divides the hypotenuse AC? BD is perpendicular to AC.

    Statement 1: BC = 2BD
    Statement 2: AC = 2AB
    Choice D
    Statements INDEPENDENTLY sufficient.

  17. GMAT Data Sufficiency | Number Properties

    What is the value of (m + n) if m and n are positive integers?

    Statement 1: m2 – n2 = 105
    Statement 2: Neither m nor n is divisible by 8.
    Choice E
    Data Insufficient.

  18. GMAT DS Sample Question | Arithmetic - Statistics | Mean, Median, and Range

    If sets A and B have n elements each, are the ranges of the two sets equal?

    Statement 1: Both sets are symmetric about their respective means.
    Statement 2: The median of both the sets is 50.
    Choice E
    Data Insufficient

  19. GMAT 650 Level Sample Question | Arithmetic DS | Number Properties

    If a, b, and c are non-zero numbers, how many of these three numbers are positive numbers?

    Statement 1: a + b + c > 0
    Statement 2: The number of negative numbers is more than the number of positive numbers among these three numbers.
    Choice C
    Statements TOGETHER sufficient.

  20. GMAT Hard Math Arithmetic Data Sufficiency | Number Properties

    Is ‘x’ even?

    Statement 1: \\frac{x^3}{2}) is even.
    Statement 2: 2\\sqrt[3]{x}) is even.
    Choice C
    Statements TOGETHER sufficient.

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