GMAT Hard Math Questions | Algebra

Must Solve GMAT Practice Questions | 700 800 Level Questions

Must solve GMAT practice questions in algebra. The following topics are covered in the GMAT quant section from algebra:

  1. Quadratic Equations
  2. Exponents
  3. Inequalities
  4. Absolute Value
  5. Functions
  1. 700 Level GMAT Sample Question in Inequalities & Polynomials

    If x is a positive integer such that (x - 1)(x - 3)(x - 5)....(x - 93) < 0, how many values can x take?

    1. 47
    2. 23
    3. 46
    4. 21
    5. 22
    Choice B
    x can take 23 integer values.

  2. GMAT Hard Math Data Sufficiency Question

    Is x3 > x2?

    Statement 1: x > 0
    Statement 2: x < 1
    Choice B
    Statement (2) alone is sufficient

  3. GMAT Data Sufficiency Question | Inequalities & Exponents

    If m and n are non-zero integers, is mn > nn?

    Statement 1: |m| = n
    Statement 2: m < n
    Choice A
    Statement (1) alone is sufficient

  4. 700 800 Level GMAT Word Problem | Rates Problem Solving Question

    Working alone, A can complete a task in ‘a’ days and B in ‘b’ days. They take turns in doing the task with each working 2 days at a time. If A starts they finish the task in exactly 10 days. If B starts, they take half a day more. How long does it take to complete the task if they both work together?

    1. \\frac{46}{9})
    2. \\frac{50}{9})
    3. \\frac{50}{11})
    4. \\frac{36}{7})
    5. \\frac{210}{41})
    Choice D
    They will take 36/7 days

  5. GMAT Hard Math Questions | Algebra | Absolute Values Sample Question

    If a, b, and c are not equal to zero, what is the difference between the maximum and minimum value of S?
    \\ S = 1+\frac { \left| a \right| }{ a } +\frac {2 \left| b \right| }{ b } +\frac {3 \left| ab \right| }{ ab } -\frac {4 \left| c \right| }{ c } \\)

    1. 12
    2. 14
    3. 22
    4. 20
    5. 18
    Choice E
    The difference is 18.

  6. GMAT Hard Math Algebra - Absolute Values | GMAT Problem Solving

    If x and y are integers and |x - y| = 12, what is the minimum possible value of xy?

    1. -12
    2. -18
    3. -24
    4. -36
    5. -48
    Choice D
    The minimum possible value for xy is -36.

  7. 700 800 Level GMAT Word Problem | Number Properties & Equations Problem Solving Question

    A movie hall sold tickets to one of its shows in two denominations, $11 and $7. A fourth of all those who bought a ticket also spent $4 each on refreshments at the movie hall. If the total collections from tickets and refreshments for the show was $124, how many $7 tickets were sold? Note: The number of $11 tickets sold is different from the number of $7 tickets sold.

    1. 14
    2. 11
    3. 2
    4. 8
    5. 5
    Choice E
    The movie hall sold 5 $7 tickets.

  8. GMAT Hard Math Question | Algebra | Difficult Equations Question

    Susan invited 13 of her friends for her birthday party and created return gift hampers comprising one each of $3, $4, and $5 gift certificates. One of her friends did not turn up and Susan decided to rework her gift hampers such that each of the 12 friends who turned up got $13 worth gift certificates. How many gift hampers did not contain $5 gift certificates in the new configuration?

    1. 5
    2. 2
    3. 9
    4. 3
    5. 7
    Choice D
    3 gift hampers did not have $5 certificates.

  9. GMAT 650 Level Algebra Question | Polynomials

    If a, b, .. , j are real numbers such that (a - 1)2 + (b - 2)4 + (c - 3)6 + ... + (j - 10)20 = 0, what is the value of b × d × f × h × j?

    1. 120
    2. 36,28,800
    3. 3840
    4. 240
    5. 1536
    Choice C

  10. GMAT Challenging Question | Geometry DS | Coordinate Geometry & Quadratic Equations

    If y = (x - p)(x - q), is the sum of integers p and q positive?

    Statement 1: The curve cuts the y-axis at -20
    Statement 2: Minimum value of y is -36
    Choice E
    Data Insufficient

  11. GMAT Data Sufficiency | Number Properties

    What is the value of (m + n) if m and n are positive integers?

    Statement 1: m2 – n2 = 105
    Statement 2: Neither m nor n is divisible by 8.
    Choice E
    Data Insufficient.

  12. GMAT Algebra Practice Question | Equations & Numbers PS

    If x and y are non-negative integers such that 4x + 7y = 68, how many values are possible for (x + y)?

    1. 11
    2. 3
    3. 5
    4. 17
    5. 14
    Choice B
    3 Values.

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